Service Update

Most library branches are closed to support efforts to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

More information about Stage 3 and our reopening plan.


TPL stage 3 is coming


Beginning mid-August, we will gradually resume adapted in-branch services in multiple phases with the health and safety of our customers and staff as our top priority. 

Learn more


Sunshine Tenasco holding book Nibi's Water Song Kids


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Teen using a digital camera Program

Your COVID-19 Experience in Photos

A free, online four-part series of workshops on digital photography. Begins August 17.

Michelle Good Program

Michelle Good: Five Little Indians

Good discusses her book, a chronicle of five residential school survivors. August 17, 7pm.

Person browsing in record store 云 天 娱 乐 棋 牌 安 卓 版 下 载-云天娱乐棋牌安卓版下载:校园生活 券商资管产品公募化改造提速 主动管理能力受考验 “提高未成年性同意年龄”,人大伋表的建议冲上热搜 吉林市早市关停,露天菜场供应充足

Naxos Music Library

Discover classical, jazz and world music free with Naxos Music Library apps.

w加速任天行安卓版 Program


Discuss issues surrounding race and food blogging and how to make a career blogging about foods you love.

Sketch of two birds on branch Special Collections

Conserving Art by William Pope

See how we preserved paintings of this early Ontario naturalist.

An elderly woman holding up a sherry glass and winking. Booklist

Cocktails and Mocktails to Sip this Summer

Try making "The Librarian" or one of the hundreds of recipes in these cookbooks.

w加速任天行安卓版 Podcast

Writers Off the Page: Richard Wagamese

Hear Wagamese's first public reading ever, from A Quality of Light, in 1996.

w加速任天行安卓版 Kids


Listen to fables, fairy tales and other great stories by phone. Available in 16 languages.

Drawing of a teen reading in closeup Teens


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w加速任天行安卓版 Program

Live & Online Programs

Experience free high-quality programming from home.

A kid reads on a tablet at home Online Services

38 Ways to Use the Library from Home

Find things to read, watch, listen to, learn and do, free with your library card.


The Subtweet by Vivek Shraya Books


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  • New print fiction
  • w加速任天行安卓版
w加速任天行安卓版 Books


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Niko Draws a Feeling by Bob Raczka Books


  • w加速任天行安卓版
  • New audiobooks
  • New print books
The Shadow King, How Much of These Hills Is Gold, and The Mournable Body 网络软件列表_绿盟市场:2021-12-3 · 是一款网络加速软件,这个软件相当于用于电信和联通两条线路的网络,使用户在上网的适合非常流畅,很实用。 更新时间: 18-12-02 大小: 4.68K 人气: 43 安全下载 美国地址生成工具 V1.0 绿色免费版 能够快速随机生成美国公民的身伇 ...

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The Booker Prize Longlist was announced on July 27. Read the nominees!

Browse blogs and podcasts

Live & online programs

w加速任天行安卓版 Appel Salon

Well-Read Black Girl

A discussion on the importance of representation in literature, with writers Glory Edim, Jamia Wilson and Renée Watson, moderated by Zalika Reid-Benta. Recorded on September 25, 2023.

Librarian at table with amplifiers made of paper cups and rolls Kids

Mini Makers: Sound

Kids and families can explore science, technology, engineering and math concepts at home through fun, hands-on activities. Learn about sound and build your own amplifier!

Zahra Ebrahim and Eric Klinenberg On Civil Society

Eric Klinenberg: Palaces for the People 

A conversation on the importance of social infrastructure with Zahra Ebrahim and Eric Klinenberg. Recorded on September 11, 2023.

Watch more programs

Want to see what's coming up? Visit our programs page.

Digital Archive Ontario

Explore digital collections and library content for all Ontario residents.

Financial support from the Ontario government is gratefully acknowledged.
Girl reading book

Donate Today

When you give to the Library, your donation is immediately directed to help with TPL’s highest priority needs, and makes a difference in the lives of the nearly 70% of Torontonians who rely on our programs and services.  


Toronto Public Library is situated on Indigenous land and Dish with One Spoon territory. This is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Wendat, and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. Toronto Public Library gratefully acknowledges these Indigenous nations for their guardianship of this land. More information.